New OS Data Loading Tools from Esri UK - UPDATED 7th August 2018

UPDATE 7th August  -  We have now released a new version of the UK data Loader which contains tools for processing Initial loads of OS MasterMap Topography data as well as COUs. These tools are initially released as beta versions whilst we await the release of some changes to ArcGIS pro to allow us to include some performance enhancements as well as well as a a fix to an issue which means we are currently unable to create new feature classes in enterprise geodatabases.


As we announced in our previous blog post we are planning to replace the OS Data Loading tools currently provided in ProductivitySuite. 

The UK Data Loader is an ArcGIS Toolbox which will contain the spatial ETL tools you need to load your Ordnance Survey data.  To use these tools requires licences for ArcGIS Pro and the ArcGIS Pro Data Interoperability extension. In addition, the OS MasterMap Highways Network tool requires the ArcGIS Pro Network Analyst extension. 

Existing customers of ProductivitySuite are entitled to a licence for the ArcGIS Pro Data Interoperability extension and the UK Data Loader tools at no additional charge provided their ProductivitySuite license is currently in maintenance or included in their ELA. These licences will enable you to start using the new tools as they are released, in parallel with ProductivitySuite.    

We will be releasing the tools throughout 2018 and our current release schedule is: 

Note: Beta releases for OS MasterMap Highways and OS MasterMap Topo are already available.   

If you would like to use the new UK Data Loader then please contact or speak to your Customer Success Manager.