Flooding: is your housing stock at risk? Be informed, be alert and be prepared!

It’s one of those times of year when flooding is highly likely across the UK. If you are responsible for your organisation’s housing, then you will be considering whether you are able to proactively assess the risk to your properties, prioritise prevention measures and collaborate effectively with your local authority?

Combining the JBA comprehensive flood map and the Esri UK Housing Platform would enable you to plan ahead, visualise and prioritise the risk across your properties and to react rapidly to minimise the extent and cost of flood damage.

This would allow you to:

  • Identify properties at risk from flood events – including risk from rivers, sea, surface water, ground water, dam break and canal failure.
  • Evaluate flood defence alternatives
  • Enable sharing and collaboration across your organisation and with your local authority
Managing flood risk.png

Use of digital mapping and analysis in the housing sector is often confined to a niche area of the organisation. Leading housing associations, however, are finding significant benefits in enterprise deployment – something that’s only truly possible with Esri’s platform. 

In the recently published article: “Opinion: GIS mapping helps Sovereign to deliver better service and growth” by Andy Bradley, GIS Manager at Sovereign on 24Dash.com, Andy explains how together with Esri UK, Sovereign “are building an organisation-wide GIS that will provide the foundation for our people to make better, more timely decisions”

Sovereign’s plans go further and building on the success of the deployment to date, they are now working on how they can “improve flood preparedness, by mapping our properties against advanced flood data from the Environment Agency and other sources. In the long-term, this could help reduce insurance premiums as well as helping us to prioritise which residents need help first”

There is more information and case studies available on the Esri UK website and I’d be happy to discuss enterprise deployment of GIS or to answer any questions – just comment on this post or e-mail me on: jricketts@esriuk.com.